
The ‘Istituto Lusofarmaco d'Italia’ was established in Milan in 1951 by two Portuguese businessmen. As an offshoot of the homonymous ‘Instituto Luso-Fármaco de Lisboa,’ it was created to manufacture and market in Italy a series of pharmaceutical products that were already marketed in Portugal. The immediate success of the company, and the careful management by Dr. Giorgio Lorenzini, prompted a redefinition of its strategic goals. In a few years, the production was expanded with the purchase of the headquarters in Via Carnia, and the acquisition of a chemical plant (Lusochimica, http://www.lusochimica.it/).

Fourteen years after its establishment, a magazine article described Lusofarmaco as: “The company we have taken as a symbol of the leading Italian pharmaceutical industry (…) Its intellectual component is so dominant that not only influences the company's life and efficiency, but also determines by itself the economic value of the product (...) It is very well known to the medical community for its seriousness and for its range of up-to-date medicinal products that it provides both for the national and the international market.” (EPOCA – 1965)
Thanks to its investments and attention to human intelligence, as well as its seriousness and dedication to everyday tasks, Lusofarmaco was soon acknowledged as a highly-trusted company whose reliability has been confirmed and consolidated over the years, and continues to the present day.
A milestone in the history of Lusofarmaco was its entry into the Menarini Group in 1983, which gave the company a more international outlook and the opportunity to expand its portfolio with innovative drugs thanks to important investments in R&D.

The company's reliability and solidity, the commitment and dedication of its members, and the safety of its marketed products allow Lusofarmaco to project into the future with a clear and confident vision of the validity of its work.

Lusofarmaco on the occasion of its 70th anniversary (1951-2021) has decided to join the Green Project "Dona un Albero" for the redevelopment of the North Milan Park, adopting 21 Pyrus Calleryana (Pero da Fiore).



Our products

Lusofarmaco can claim extensive know-how in various therapeutic areas: cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, antibiotic therapy, neuropsychiatry and gynecology.

Research & Development

For many years, Lusofarmaco has been mainly a national company, with a portfolio focused on well-established medicinal products, which have been the reference drugs in their respective therapeutic areas.


Pharmacovigilance: what does it mean to monitor drugs?

Registered Office:
Milanofiori – Strada 6, Edificio L – 20089 Rozzano (MI)
Tel. 02-516555.1

Registration No. In Registrar Of Companies: 00714810157
Registrar Of Companies' Office: Milano
Registered Capital: € 130.000 I.V.
Capital Reported In Last Financial Statement: € 130.000
Company subject to the direction and coordination of A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite Srl


Copyright 2025 Istituto Lusofarmaco D'Italia S.p.A.