Work With Us

Everybody working in Lusofarmaco makes a difference, everyday
To accomplish our mission, we are always looking for the best talent, people who know how to work in a team and display initiative, flexibility and enthusiasm, but are also pragmatic and able to work to targets, bringing added value to the position they will be called to cover.

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Send us your CV >>



The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the tool You use to present Yourself; therefore, it needs to be clear, concise, and drawn up with due care and attention.
Listed below are some suggestions and tips:

  • Draw up your CV using the European standard. You can find further information through this link:
  • Describe your educational and professional experience starting with the most recent; This will help those who are reading your CV to identify any possible ties between your educational and professional career, and the position for which you are applying;;
  • Verify and update your contact information, always including your home details in addition to your place of residence; Remember to include the grades of all the qualifications attained, always indicating the maximum reference value (e.g. 108/110);
  • Clearly shows your achievements, strengths, and distinctive features;
  • Indicate what is the actual level of knowledge and fluency in foreign languages, including any certificates achieved;
  • Do not write more than two or three pages, a summary of just the most important information makes your application easier to assess;
  • If you wish to apply for a job opportunity on our website, please give us your consent to the processing of your personal data by checking the appropriate box in the application form.

Our products

Lusofarmaco can claim extensive know-how in various therapeutic areas: cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, antibiotic therapy, neuropsychiatry and gynecology.

Research & Development

For many years, Lusofarmaco has been mainly a national company, with a portfolio focused on well-established medicinal products, which have been the reference drugs in their respective therapeutic areas.


Pharmacovigilance: what does it mean to monitor drugs?

Registered Office:
Milanofiori – Strada 6, Edificio L – 20089 Rozzano (MI)
Tel. 02-516555.1

Registration No. In Registrar Of Companies: 00714810157
Registrar Of Companies' Office: Milano
Registered Capital: € 130.000 I.V.
Capital Reported In Last Financial Statement: € 130.000
Company subject to the direction and coordination of A. Menarini Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite Srl


Copyright 2025 Istituto Lusofarmaco D'Italia S.p.A.